Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): WAWASAN: Jurnal Kediklatan Balai Diklat Keagamaan Jakarta

					View Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): WAWASAN: Jurnal Kediklatan Balai Diklat Keagamaan Jakarta

WAWASAN: Jurnal Kediklatan Balai Diklat Keagamaan Jakarta (p-ISSN: 2548-9232, e-ISSN: 2775-3573) is a periodical scientific journal managed by Balai Diklat Keagamaan Jakarta, Badan Litbang dan Diklat - Ministry of Religious Affairs of The Republic of Indonesia. The journal disseminates research and study on Training and Development, Administration and Management, Religious Affairs, Education and Teaching, and ICT in Training and Education. It covers research-based papers, literature reviews, or scientific articles related to the issues.

This journal has been published since 2018 in the printed version. In 2020 began to publish in electronic versions. It is published twice a year (May and October). The articles published were selected and academically examined by at least two peer reviewers who have mastered the scientific field on the topic. APA-Style guides the citations and bibliography. Articles published have a unique DOI number and are indexed in Dimension, Google Scholar, and Moraref. This journal allows readers to read, download, distribute, print, quote, and do other lawful purposes.

In this issue of Volume 4 Number 1, WAWASAN publishes nine articles:

  1. INTERNALISASI NILAI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DALAM TRADISI NGANGGUNG Ahmad Irfan and Dicky Setiady discuss the tradition of nganggung, known as one-door scheduling, as a form of community culture by carrying out activities to bring food to the mosque in Tua Tunu Village.
  2. Farah Pramudita writes (in English) STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT FOR INTEGRATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AND ISLAMIC EDUCATION. The purpose of this research is to describe the integration of environmental education and Islamic education through strategic management concepts using Wheelen and Hunger's theory
  3. Intan Irawati presents education action research MENINGKATKAN AKTIVITAS DAN HASIL BELAJAR FISIKA SISWA MELALUI PEMANFAATAN E-BOOK INTERAKTIF BERBASIS PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING, and the goal is to increase student activity and learning outcomes during PJJ by using interactive e-book media in physics lessons.
  4. Selly Idayanti analyzed the implementation of the Pancasila and Rahmatan lil Alamin Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5P2RA) at MTsN 1 Tangerang City, which was written in her article entitled ANALISIS KESESUAIAN P5P2RA DENGAN PRINSIP PELAKSANAAN DAN DAMPAKNYA TERHADAP PERILAKU PESERTA DIDIK
  5. There is no data collection on the number of training alumni for Madrasah head candidates who have been appointed as madrasa heads, which is the background for Kun Mardiwati Rahayu and Abdul Kadir Ahmad to write EVALUASI DIKLAT CALON KEPALA MADRASAH
  6. KEMAMPUAN ANALISIS GRAFIK FUNGSI KUADRAT TERINTEGRASI NILAI-NILAI KEISLAMAN By Erna Sari Agusta It is an education action research to find out students' analytical abilities in the matter of quadratic function graphs while at the same time knowing the learning of quadratic function graphs that are integrated with Islamic values at MTsN 28 Jakarta Timur
  7. Muhammad Alfarizi and Ngatindriatun discussed digital transformation after the COVID-19 Pandemic touched the education sector through the development of e-learning in an article entitled KEPUASAN DAN RETENSI GURU TERHADAP SISTEM PELATIHAN JARAK JAUH BALAI DIKLAT KEAGAMAAN INDONESIA
  8. MAKNA LABEL HALAL INDONESIA DALAM PERSPEKTIF SEMIOTIKA: ANALISIS SEMIOTIKA ROLAND BARTHES, written Against the background of various polemics and controversies about the new design of the Indonesian Halal Label logo, Faisal Muzzammil will reveal the meaning of the Indonesian Halal Label from a semiotic perspective.
  9. Sri Rochani described how to apply the STAD model of tutor-peer cooperative learning to increase student activity (asking, answering, arguing and problem-solving) and Biology learning outcomes through PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF DENGAN METODE TUTOR-SEBAYA UNTUK MENINGKATKAN AKTIVITAS DAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA 


Published: 2023-06-30